dosemu, elligible for extras or does it have legal issues?

Hans de Goede j.w.r.degoede at
Sat Dec 3 17:43:57 UTC 2005

Linus Walleij wrote:
> Basically it seems to be fully GPL-compatible, given:
>> 2.   This copyright does not cover all parts of the DOSEMU code!
>>     Parts of the code not covered by the GPL are marked explicitly
>>     within the code, the rest of the code _is_ GPL.
> Which license does the parts not covered by GPL use? If its 
> GPL-compatible (BSD-nonattributive, etc) it's OK, if it's proprietary 
> it's probably not.

Erm, without meaning to be rude in anyway, next time please read my 
complete mail, to answer your question and quote from my previous mail:


Point 2 is AFAIK the only probable problem, but I've taken a look at all
copyright headers and there are the following non GPL copyrights:
-BSD (X11) like
-old XFree86 (X11)
-old Wine license (X11 like)
-public domain

These are AFAIK all GPL compatible and thus (IANAL) no problem.


Thanks & Regards,


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