General questions about Extras development

Gérard Milmeister gemi at
Thu Feb 3 22:07:12 UTC 2005

Now that Extras is open for package retrieval, I would like to know
what the policy and procedures are going to be.

I have several packages in Extras taken over from (I have
checked out the CVS)
1. How am I going to change these?
2. How can I check in new ones?
3. When are the packages built?
4. Will there be a document with precise instructions for how
   to create spec files and additional data present in the CVS
   (for the spec file there is already some information on the
   old site)
5. How is QA done?
6. Will the process become quicker?

Gérard Milmeister
Langackerstrasse 49
CH-8057 Zürich

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