Fedora Extras CVS Howto somewhere ?

Aaron Bennett aaron.bennett at olin.edu
Thu Feb 10 16:15:14 UTC 2005

Michael Schwendt wrote:

>>Is there some kind of "Fedora Extras CVS Howto" anywhere ? I've read the
>>Makefile.common and cvs-import.sh, but I still can't figure out the correct
>>way to update a package in CVS. I've updated the spec file, and now what
>>should I do ? Is a "make upload FILES=newtarball.tar.gz && cvs ci" enough ?
>For uploads and complete src.rpm auto-imports:
> https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-extras-list/2005-February/msg00098.html
>You either prepare your update package outside CVS and then cvs-import.sh
>it automatically and your done. Or you prepare your changes in your CVS
>working copy, upload new binaries into the lookaside cache, and at the
>end commit every changed file including the 'sources' file. 
>As a test whether the full commit was fine, enter a different directory
>and checkout a fresh working copy there. It should succeed in fetching the
>binaries from lookaside cache and also pass simple build tests such as
>'make i386' or 'make srpm' at least.
I'd add this to the wikpage, but I don't have edit access.  Can you 
allow "AaronBennett" to edit the wiki as well?

Aaron Bennett
UNIX Administrator
Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering

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