Request for review : gkrellm-bmp

Matthias Saou thias at
Tue Jul 19 17:36:50 UTC 2005

Michael Schwendt wrote :

[...] gkrellm-xmms and gkrellm-bmp build from the same sources [...]

> Apart from the same plugin name, they also share something else.

>From what I saw with the -DHAVE_BMP (from the top of my head), they seem
to share pretty much everything except the external lib they link to, the
string they display in gkrellm and the command they run by default. I
assumed they wouldn't coexist peacefully (pretty much identical shared
libs), which is why I went for the easy solution, the "Conflicts:" tags...

Not sure if it's really useful to try and make them play nice together,
given that they're for the same use, so asking users to install either but
not both doesn't seem like such an odd thing to do.


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