Self-Introduction: Christian Jodar (Tian)

Paul Howarth paul at
Mon May 9 15:08:06 UTC 2005

tian at wrote:
>>Perhaps you could take a look at the spec file template for perl modules
>>in the fedora-rpmdevtools package and base the build phase of the
>>package on that?
> I already looked it. But actually, it doesn't fit with my package.
> GCfilms is a Perl application, not a Perl module. So it doesn't have to
> be installed in the same way. No compilation is required. Only files have
> to be copied as for an application.
> I didn't find in CVS extras example of another pure Perl application to
> have a model. If someone knows one, it could be useful.

Looking at the "install" program in the gcfiles tarball, I think there 
are a couple of problems with it:

1. It seems to initialize perl-Gtk2 (and hence require DISPLAY to be 
set) even if you're doing a text-mode install. This is never going to 
work in an RPM build environment (you'll also need perl-Gtk2 as a 

2. The installer accepts a "prefix" directory but doesn't offer any more 
fine-grained specification of directories, e.g. lib, bin, share etc. 
Whilst this will work OK on some platforms, you might have problems with 
building on other architectures.

What I'd suggest is to not bother with the "install" script and instead 
use Requires: entries for all the dependency checks and use a bunch of 
"%{_bindir}/install" commands to actually install all the files in the 
right places. Since you've already enumerated the list of files in the 
%files section, this shouldn't be too big a problem.


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