Buildsys issues

Warren Togami wtogami at
Mon Nov 7 00:22:03 UTC 2005

Konstantin Ryabitsev wrote:
> On 06/11/05, seth vidal <skvidal at> wrote:
>>Another option is I could look through the repoview code and see why it
>>is taking so long.
> Most time is spent in kid routines, generating pages from templates.
> There's no easy way to avoid generating pages to check if they have
> changed. Even when adding one package, a lot of pages may change, not
> just the page for that package -- because of the indexes on the left
> and letter index on top. I can try something that would track the data
> that goes into generating each page, but last time I tried that,
> setting up and handling tracking routines created lots of extra code,
> and didn't particularly sped up the things.
> The alternative would be the frames, but that brings in the suckage
> that is frames, including linking nightmares.
> I'm open to suggestions.

How about something entirely different.  Rather than distributing 
thousands of files from repoview, instead make a central website that 
displays info about the packages.  It could be either database generated 
dynamic or pre-generated static pages.  One official site can have all 
of this package info, and the source exists for anybody to make their 
own mirror easily.

I personally think it is inefficient to generate and mirror thousands of 
those files in the normal mirror system.  This resource can easily be 
offloaded into an asynchronous system that doesn't slow down everything 
A later idea might be to make this separate system with more flexible 
capabilites like searching like Fedora Tracker.  An initial launch would 
be fine with plain repoview though.

Warren Togami
wtogami at

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