static libraries' policy

Dmitry Butskoy buc at
Tue Nov 8 15:06:53 UTC 2005

During the review processes I've noticed that reviewers very differently 
concern to presence of the static libraries in the devel packages. Some 
of them force me to get rid of it, but some say nothing about it at all.

I've looked in the CVS code for some statistics:

Extras:  there are 235 packages which have "*-devel", 149 have static 
libs, 86 not have.
Core: there are 364 "devel" packages, 211 with static libs, 153 without.

Extras: 149/235 -- 63% have static libs
Core: 211/364 -- 58% have static libs

It seems that the recommendation to avoid the including of static 
libraries into devel package does not work properly.

Is it some kind of liberalism or some kind of anarchy?...

Dmitry Butskoy

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