packaging mpich2 -- conflicts with lam and file layoutb

Deji Akingunola dakingun at
Tue Nov 8 16:42:11 UTC 2005

Hi Tom,

> I'd rather do this:
> %{_libdir}/${MPI_IMPL_NAME}/
> %{_includedir}/${MPI_IMPL_NAME}/
> And use something like alternatives to manage the binaries, without
> putting them in a "magic" dir that violates the FHS.
If I understand you very well, you mean doing it the jpackage/java way
- putting the _bindir, _libdir, and _includedir in 
%{_libdir}/${MPI_IMPL_NAME}/ - is discouraged and should not be used ?
The problem using the style you proposed above, is that these
different mpi implementations provides the same standard mpi binaries
{mpicc,mpicxx,mpif90,mpif77,mpirun}, and man pages too. How can those
be taken care of.

Thanks for offering to help.


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