repository breakage

Greg DeKoenigsberg gdk at
Sat Nov 26 16:26:49 UTC 2005

On Sat, 26 Nov 2005, seth vidal wrote:

> Partial success == complete success to most users.


I suppose it might make sense to offer a flag to warn instead of fail for
dependency errors, but I'm not even sure about that; even experienced
users can put themselves into a world of hurt by ignoring broken deps that
turn out to be important down the line.  One of the great things about
strict depsolving is that you've got a clear path, and either you're on
the path, or you're not.

Now, the corollary is that it's the responsibility of the repo maintainers 
to keep the path tidy at all costs -- and if we're having problems doing 
that, we need to figure out why.


_____________________  ____________________________________________
  Greg DeKoenigsberg ] [ the future masters of technology will have
 Community Relations ] [ to be lighthearted and intelligent.  the
             Red Hat ] [ machine easily masters the grim and the 
                     ] [ dumb.  --mcluhan

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