Package submission process

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at
Sat Oct 15 13:53:19 UTC 2005

On 10/15/05, Michael A. Peters <mpeters at> wrote:
> Can we add a bugzilla for first time packagers seeking a sponsor that
> their package blocks?
> That might make it easier for packagers seeking a sponsor and sponsors
> to get together - IE sponsors can go to that bugzilla and look at who
> needs sponsor.

I think that idea seems to have merit.  But since I'm not a sponsor
it's difficult for me to judge the extent of the problem. Surely a
blocker bug for sponsor needed couldn't hurt.  I guess this is
something for the extras steering committee to make a decision on.

I've been trying to watch the numbers of tickets that are in the
review state over time to get a feel if the process is bogged down.
Its actually working pretty well, the number packages blocking
FE-Review has been at about 100 +/-15  consistently.
There are always a few 1month+ older tickets in the review state..but
when I go to look at them they are active tickets with on going
discussions.  What I don't have a feel for is what the average time in
review is for a package and as a special subset average time in review
for a first package.  It could simply be that we need to calibrate new
contributor expectations and give them a better idea of how long it
takes..on average. Instanst gratification expectations are a mental
disorder that afflicts a suprisingly large number of computer
scientists that I am forced to interact with in person. I can only
assume it afflicts a portion of this community as well.

-jef"but like the man said..we don't need a bugzilla... if packagers
do their jobs right..we don't even need the review step..packages will
be born perfect"spaleta

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