A lot of obsolete rpms in FE currently

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Tue Oct 18 17:15:25 UTC 2005

Le mardi 18 octobre 2005 à 12:17 -0400, Jeff Spaleta a écrit :

> Any case that would require an old package several revisions old would
> indicate that a maintainer felt the need to publish several buggy
> revisions of a package in short order. And if we start seeing behavior
> like that..then it would be better to have a scratch area like an
> extras-testing for maintainers to publish.

Is it possible to request test builds that won't be pushed to the main
servers but can be distributed to a few trusted beta testers ? Right now
you have to push, ask people to test, and re-release quickly if they
find problems.

Building outside the build system is not the answer, most maintainers do
not have access to all the hardware/fedora releases combos.


Nicolas Mailhot
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