Removal of orphaned packages

Paul paul at
Fri Apr 14 07:34:49 UTC 2006


> > Would it be worthwhile removing any packages on the orphaned list where
> > there is a successor?
> I think it wouldn't. In my opinion the orphaned packages should be removed
> based on maintainership/packaging criteria, not on potential usability 
> criteria. If it doesn't build, has unfixed bugs and isn't required by 
> another package, for example, but not because there is something said to 
> be better.

With a small number of changes to the spec file, sodipodi compiled fine.
The problem though is that it's at version 0.34 (which is fine, so is
the upstream version - but it's over a year old). 

IMO, if a package isn't picked up after (say) 6 months, it should be
dropped. If someone wants to take it back up, they should go through the
new package procedure.


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