Ignacio / php-json

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at math.uh.edu
Mon Aug 21 04:14:23 UTC 2006

>>>>> "BH" == Brandon Holbrook <fedora at theholbrooks.org> writes:

BH> That was my problem, I joined "fedorabugs" instead of
BH> "fedora_bugs".

No, it's fedorabugs, but I've been waiting for you to apply there and
haven't seen the request yet.  I checked again and see that you do
have your cvsextras membership but aren't currently a member of
fedorabugs.  I double checked the list of pending approvals there and
you are not on that list.

(I'm checking the user ID "static"; please correct me if that's

 - J<

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