Building against development branch's Python 2.5

Michel Salim michel.salim at
Sat Dec 9 18:10:16 UTC 2006

2006/12/9, Michel Salim <michel.salim at>:
> The Django package builds fine for FE6, but when I tried rebuilding it
> against -development I get an error:
> It was being built on the PPC build server, and the development tree
> for PPC has both the 32- and 64-bit python-devel RPMs available. Could
> it be that the build server installs python-setuptools compiled
> against the 32-bit PPC version of python-devel, but the build server
> has the 64-bit python-devel RPM installed?
Ah, of course: python-setuptools for development-ppc was probably
built before Python 2.5 was pushed into the repository (the timestamp
differs by over 10 hours).

Michel Salim

My theology, briefly, is that the universe was dictated but not signed.
                -- Christopher Morley

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