a better webinterface to our packages

Alex Lancaster alexl at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Jan 16 09:12:28 UTC 2006

>>>>> "RS" == Rahul Sundaram  writes:


>> I would step up and work on a shiny brand new usefull web interface
>> ^^ if it is wanted.

RS> Yes its wanted. A comprehensive package interface that covers both
RS> Fedora Core and Extras repository packages would be great. Look at
RS> similar interfaces in other distributions for ideas.

A start would be to run repoview on FC, which I logged over 6 months


In terms of minimizing spam/feedback, why not have repoview (or
whatever we use) generate a link to bugzilla (with the correct
component/version prefilled) on each package page.  

Ideally the bug component could/would be extracted from the rpm and
therefore generated automatically, but somehow that info would need to
be added to specfiles.


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