Fwd: [Fedora-infrastructure-list] New package version control

Tim Jackson lists at timj.co.uk
Mon Jul 3 21:54:38 UTC 2006

Chris Petersen wrote:

> "con" for subversion is listed that auth must be through DAV, but a
> "pro" for mercurial is that it can do ssh.  Just an fyi, but subversion
> works GREAT over ssh (via the svn+ssh:// uri), and projects like mythtv
> use this to separate anon checkout (http) with developer access (ssh).
> Granted, you're still limited to "full repository" access or no access
> with ssh since svn handles everything in its own database format.

Are we talking at cross-purposes or is the Subversion commit hook that 
can be used for path-based access control for svn+ssh being overlooked here?

 From /usr/share/doc/subversion-1.3.2/tools/hook-scripts which is an 
example config file for the supplied (example, but useful) Perl hook script:

[Make everything read-only for all users]
match   = .*
access  = read-only

[Make project1 read-write for users Jane and Joe]
match  = ^(branches|tags|trunk)/project1
users  = jane joe
access = read-write

[However, we don't trust Joe with project1's Makefile]
match  = ^(branches|tags|trunk)/project1/Makefile
users  = joe
access = read-only


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