Documentation packages in Package Naming Guidelines (and standards)

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at
Sat Jun 10 15:30:31 UTC 2006

>>>>> "HC" == Hugo Cisneiros <hugo at> writes:

HC> BTW, I noted that some packages in Extras have a *-docs
HC> sub-package instead of *-doc. Talking with Jason Tibbitts in IRC,
HC> he said that this is normal. Is there a standard for this or it's
HC> up to the packager/reviewer?

We have a standard; I'm just continually confused about which one
actually is the standard.  Both names were used in various wiki pages
and I just can't keep it straight.  A look through what's currently in
extras shows little agreement, although more -doc than -docs.

Getting this in the naming guidelines would indeed be a good idea.
Write access to those pages has been restricted so we'll have to go
through the packaging committee (i.e. currently just spot).

 - J<

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