Rebuild status of FE5 (Was: Re: Please rebuild your packages in the development tree of Fedora Extras)

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at
Wed Mar 1 14:37:29 UTC 2006

On 3/1/06, Thorsten Leemhuis <fedora at> wrote:
> Well, Jef put it there now for removal. But won't that break updates?

istanbul does not exist in fc4 it only exists in devel. And as far as
I know.. Extras like Core doesn't garuntee working updates for the
development tree to a final release. Anyone using extras-development
should have the same understanding as for core-development. It eats
babies and at at no time are workable update/upgrade paths implied.

Regardless, the build is broken it will continue to be broken until
either all the gst08 related issues are fixed (not holding my breath) 
or Core updates gst 0.10 again to the gst 0.10 release that includes
bits that istanbul needs (not holding my breath).  If you want to keep
it in the tree and continue to ping me about the brokenness go right
ahead. I have no problem being reminded, in fact I feel loved
everytime I get an email from you or Micheal.  If you plan to
auto-orphan it based in its broken status, even though I'm actively
watching the dep situation  just go ahead and orphan it now and save
me the time of trying to keep up with this.

Because istanbul is pretty much the only thing using the crackrock
screengrabbing element introduced in gst 0.8.12 it is pretty much the
only extras-development application stuck in the position where the
current gst 0.10 release available in Core doesn't have all the
necessarily functionality yet to make the jump from gst 0.8
possible..even in upstream development. Istanbul cvs at the moment
requires gst 0.10 cvs which has the crackrock finally ported from 0.8.
So this will work out eventually.. its not going to work on for FC5

For istanbul specifically, the late gst08 removal from Core blows
monkeychunks. I would have prefered that gst08 have been removed
ealier to the transition to extras more time workout... but such is

> People that have istanbul installed on FC4
istanbul was never released for the fc4 tree... if they have it
installed on fc4 they pulled in from Extras development AND they
pulled gst 0.8.12 from Core development... and they should be aware of
the risks associated with selectively pulling from development trees.
The gstreamer released for fc4 at the time istanbul was last built did
not include the necessary plugin. If it did.. i would have released
istanbul for fc4.

The requisite gst 08.12 release is only in updates-testing in FC4 as
of last week!!!!!!!
Hell I can't even find the annoucement email in the test-list noting
its release to the updates-testing tree... so as far as I am conerned
that package doesn't exist and is in fact a figment of my
imagination.. la la la.

Even if that gst 0.8.12 gets out of testing and into the
updates-released tree before fc5's release date, it will be available
in Core updates-released for fc4 to build against only well after the
point where istanbul package in development could be built.  And I'm
sure as hell not going to take responsibility for building an istanbul
for fc4 at this point until i know it has a workable upgrade path to
fc5. Doing that sort of thing would be irresponsible of me as a
maintainer considering what I know about the state of the upgrade
path. If anyone else wants to see istanbul released for fc4, they need
to pitch in and get the associated gst08 dep issues resolved in

> Opinions?

You are misinformed about the state of istanbul release. It was not
released in Extras for fc4 it only exists in the devel tree, so most
of your argument doesn't make much sense, unless you are trying to say
that we have an obligation to keep upgrade paths FROM the
extras-development tree working. And if that is what you want to
argue, then I suggest you start a whole new list dealing solely with
the complexities of the mismatch between the Core and Extras policies
with regard to the development tree.  There is no upgrade path from
fc4->fc5 to worry about, istanbul was never released for FC4 extras
and it will not be released, by me, for FC4 until gst 0.8.12 is
available in updates-released AND there is a workable build in
extras-development/fc5 again.

-jef"For those people who seriously need to use the screen recording
functionality, I can write instructions on how to use shell scriptable
gst-lauch commands to replace the underlying functionality instanbul
provides without the gui gloss, until this is sorted out as long as
you have gst 0.8.12 installed"spaleta

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