Odd mock build problem

Rex Dieter rdieter at math.unl.edu
Wed Mar 1 20:33:22 UTC 2006

Oliver Andrich wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 01, 2006 at 12:03:06PM -0800, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
>>Here's an adaptation of Rex's maxima/sbcl snippet.  I'm not a genius
>>with mock and I'm not at all familiar with ruby so this may not work.
>>Would you care to give it a test?
>># Get Ruby versioning
>># The idea is to make a hack that works, even in mock (-: Thanks Rex!
>>%global ruby_ver %(ruby -rrbconfig -e 'puts Config::CONFIG["ruby_version"])
>>%if "%{?ruby_ver}" >= "1.8"
>>%define ruby_ver2 = %{ruby_ver}
>>Requires: ruby %{?ruby_ver2}
> Hm, sorry if I show my complete misunderstanding, but how can something
> like that help? Some of the other readers have stated, that ruby isn't
> available at all inside mock. So, how does that work? I am curious.

It's not available during the first run where mock creates the srpm via
rpmbuild -bs --nodeps

But after *that*, mock will install and properly process all BuildRequires:

-- Rex

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