Questions about build system

Denis Leroy denis at
Thu Mar 2 03:28:12 UTC 2006

I'm maintaining a number of packages that are part of a long dependency 
chain  (gcdmaster -> libgnomeuimm -> gtkmm -> glibmm -> libsigc++). Does 
that mean that, in order to guarantee that each one of these is build 
against the newly rebuilt versions, I have to queue them up in the build 
system, say, libsigc++ on monday, glibmm on tuesday, ..., and gcdmaster 
on friday :-) ?

I know that mock doesn't handle this like mach does: freshly built 
packages in /var/lib/x/result are not automatically used in the prep 
phase of the next mock build, and that's currently my biggest gripe 
against mock (with otherwise works great). So since plague uses mock, 
does this also apply to our build system ?

You might say that if the packages maintain ABI compatibility, it might 
not matter, but in the wonderful world of C++ this is not always true...


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