Release tag conventions (Was: rpms/libnc-dap/devel libnc-dap.spec, 1.3, 1.4)

Rex Dieter rdieter at
Fri Mar 3 15:53:37 UTC 2006

Patrice Dumas wrote:
>>>It also allows to keep spec file in sync for the different branches.
>>Non sense. devel must always be greater than the rest.
> Indeed. But it isn't in contradiction with what I said.
> Imagine you have a package in FC-4 and devel and you want to keep the 
> spec files in sync as much as possible, but there are small differences
> nevertheless. For example there is an excludearch in devel because the 
> computer segfaults for this arch in devel. In the beginning the release
> is the same for both branches. Then for example you try a build without the
> excludearch in devel. It is possible to bump the release, but extending
> the release such that the release numbers are kept in sync makes sense,
> such that, later the release may be bumped on all branches when there is 
> a non trivial change. If it happens that it isn't possible to keep the 
> differences between branches minimal, then it may make sense to lose
> the synchro between specs for the branches, and then bump release 
> independently but when it is possible to keep them in sync, it may makes 
> sense.

I agree with you Patrice.  For branch-specific modifications, it should 
be perferctly OK to do what you're describing (heck, I *did* do that for 
the fc5/gcc rebuilds with most of my packages).

-- Rex

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