scientific license - fedora compatible?

Tim Fenn fenn at
Mon May 22 20:39:45 UTC 2006

I've made some packages based on some scientific software I (and many
other folks in my field) use for various purposes, and I'd like to
contribute them to fedora-extras.  However, one of the libraries used
by some of the software is based on a CCLRC (Council for the Central
Laboratory of the Research Councils, license,
described here:

in section 2.1 ("CCP4 Libraries"), which allows the licensee to
distribute the library freely, but requires any non-LGPL or non-GPL
derived work to be provided in source form to the CCLRC (section

Is this compatible with fedora-extras?

Many apologies if this is the wrong list/forum for this question, and
thanks for any help.

Tim Fenn

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