EOL for FE3 and FE4

Brian Pepple bpepple at fedoraproject.org
Sat Nov 25 19:01:48 UTC 2006

In the recent Fedora Summit, it was decided that Fedora Core releases
would be supported for 13 months (1).  The main reason for this was that
Fedora Legacy was not working properly for FC3 and FC4 due to a lack of

In light of this, FESCo is planning to EOL for FE3 and FE4 to line-up
our maintenance support length with Fedora Core's.  Provided the
community doesn't have any problems with this, we are planning to
implement this in one month.

(1) http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraSummit/SummitIRCLog

Brian Pepple <bpepple at fedoraproject.org>

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