rpmforge and {enterprise, } Extras (Was Re: Initial Proposal for doing Enterprise Extras=

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at math.uh.edu
Wed Oct 4 18:48:11 UTC 2006

>>>>> "JW" == Jarod Wilson <jwilson at redhat.com> writes:

JW> That is a perfectly valid example. I know of folks running
JW> mission- critical RHEL3 (or older) servers that they'd like to add
JW> something modern, like an up-to-date subversion server to...

It's not as if it's difficult to build fresh packages for whatever
distro you have, as long as prerequisites don't require you to rebuild
half of the distro.

And for everyone who would like an updated subversion, there's someone
else who would like an updated apache, or an updated openssh.  And I'd
bet that those who want one package to be updated would really not
want everything else to be updated as well.  After all, they're still
using RHEL Vancient for a reason.

 - J<

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