rpmlint question

Tom Diehl tdiehl at rogueind.com
Tue Feb 13 17:16:24 UTC 2007


I am trying to learn how to make rpms. When I run rpmlint against the package
I am trying to make I get the following output:

(bullwinkle pts31) $ rpmlint dspam-3.6.8-1.fc5.mtd.1.i386.rpm
W: dspam devel-file-in-non-devel-package /usr/lib/libdspam.so
E: dspam setgid-binary /usr/bin/dspam root 02510
E: dspam non-standard-executable-perm /usr/bin/dspam 02510
E: dspam non-standard-executable-perm /usr/bin/dspam 02510
(bullwinkle pts31) $

I understand the permissions entries but what I do not understand is why is
rpmlint complaining about libdspam.so. It is installed as follows:

(bullwinkle pts35) $ ll /var/tmp/dspam-3.6.8-1.fc5.mtd.1-root-tdiehl/usr/lib
total 392
lrwxrwxrwx 1 tdiehl tdiehl     17 Feb 13 12:09 libdspam.so -> libdspam.so.7.0.0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 tdiehl tdiehl     17 Feb 13 12:09 libdspam.so.7 -> libdspam.so.7.0.0
-rwxr-xr-x 1 tdiehl tdiehl  88320 Feb 13 12:09 libdspam.so.7.0.0
(bullwinkle pts35) $

Is this really incorrect or is rpmlint confused?

Please go easy on me, as I am not a programmer but I am trying to learn.


Tom Diehl		tdiehl at rogueind.com		Spamtrap address mtd123 at rogueind.com

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