A new utility to augment yum - machine cloner

seth vidal skvidal at linux.duke.edu
Wed Jan 10 15:27:08 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2007-01-10 at 07:18 -0600, Jon Ciesla wrote:
> I'm encouraged by the discussion so far.  Seth, I must admit I did little
> detailed research into yum modules beforehand.  Can you point me to
> documentation?  Can they be called remotely?  If not, I could at least use
> them to eliminate the os.system() calls on the local end.

They're not documented terribly well in any external documentation, but
the pydoc docs are a good place to start from.

1. drop the use of ssh from your util that should be handled outside of
2. have your util have a source and dest mode.

in the source mode it generates a file documenting what's on the machine
in the client mode it reads that file and makes the current system look
like the contents of the file.

that simplifies what you have to do a good deal and you can leave the
data transport of the file up to the user.



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