Package review status (2007.01.12)

Christian Iseli Christian.Iseli at
Fri Jan 12 18:11:41 UTC 2007

Hi folks,

I went through all the ones with unknown status, and trimmed down the
list to 17.  Full status at:

The unknown ones are shown below.  A few are just new packages and will
get sorted out in their review tickets (audacious-itouch
perl-Mozilla-LDAP vim-vimoutliner)

But for the other ones, I found no evidence they were approved.  Some
were submitted for review in the old email way, but I couldn't find any
message hinting they might have been accepted, so if people could
please check their old mailboxen... :-)

Some might also have come from Core/ but I can't find the right

Please help find resolve the remaining holes.  The result will be used
to populate the package database when it's ready to chew on that data.


dennis ausil us	snort
enrico scholz informatik tu-chemnitz de	ip-sentinel
enrico scholz informatik tu-chemnitz de	milter-greylist
enrico scholz informatik tu-chemnitz de	util-vserver
gemi bluewin ch	yap
icon fedoraproject org	gazpacho
mcepl redhat com	vim-vimoutliner
nicolas mailhot laposte net	dejavu-fonts
rmeggins redhat com	perl-Mozilla-LDAP
thomas apestaart org	libannodex
thomas apestaart org	libcmml
thomas apestaart org	liboggz
thomas apestaart org	mod_annodex
tmraz redhat com	vpnc
yufanyufan gmail com	audacious-itouch
zipsonic gmail com	freenx
zipsonic gmail com	nx

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