Can't create users and groups

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Fri Mar 16 14:33:20 UTC 2007

On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 02:14:36PM +0100, Enrico Scholz wrote:
> >> Why? There are no known technical flaws with fedora-usermgmt; just a lot
> >> of endless FUD.
> > Oh come on. "Can't be preconfigured at anaconda install time" is a
> > serious technical flaw.
> Which serious system administrator installs nowadays a system with
> plain (GUI,TUI) anaconda?  With 'kickstart' it is easy to configure
> fedora-usermgmt at installation time.

In many environments, systems not installed with kickstart need to be
relatively consistant with those installed with it.

"You can patch around it in kickstart" isn't a very satisfying answer. You
can, with enough effort, solve *any* problem that way. Doesn't mean it's not
a problem.

I know you've got a personal investment in this thing. But I really believe
it's not the right answer.

Matthew Miller           mattdm at          <>
Boston University Linux      ------>              <>

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