[Issue 105631] IPA PGothic,IPA PMincho font can't be printed

henrich_d at openoffice.org henrich_d at openoffice.org
Sat Oct 24 22:46:07 UTC 2009

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------- Additional comments from henrich_d at openoffice.org Sat Oct 24 22:46:06 +0000 2009 -------

I'm IPAfont package maintainer in Debian. I want to clearfy that this is not
font specific issue, but OpenOffice.org's one. With some different Japanese
fonts, similar issue would happen (I'll attache test case).

And I saw that printing expert folks triaged this issue at Printing-japan
(Japanese discussions on printing under Linux) and its conclution is
OpenOffice.org embeds font data into PS file wrongly.

With newer versions of CUPS that have PDF workflow, this bug would appear.

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