[Fedora-haskell-list] Haskell Platform - which tarballs do we use?

Conrad Meyer konrad at tylerc.org
Tue Sep 1 14:33:19 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 01 September 2009 02:48:48 am Yaakov Nemoy wrote:
> Hey List,
> *snip*
> For the
> haskell platform, there are two ways of getting the tarballs of the
> various packages. 1) We can get them from the haskell platform
> megatarball, or 2) we can get them from hackage. Question is, what do
> we do:
> *snip*
> My two cents are for option 2. My opinion is that if the checksums are
> not matching, then it's probably a bug in the haskell platform's
> release engineering.
> Comments?
> Yaakov

I believe the benefits of option 2 over option 1 outweigh the advantages of 
using option 1 instead of option 2. Haskell platform is just a nice 
distribution of several packages which are officially released on hackage; we 
should go straight to upstream (hackage) for the tarballs.

Conrad Meyer <konrad at tylerc.org>

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