[Fedora-i18n-list] Japanese input _almost_ working in English FC2 (KDE)

Akira TAGOH tagoh at redhat.com
Fri Jul 2 07:00:55 UTC 2004

>>>>> On Tue, 29 Jun 2004 18:48:47 -0700 (PDT),
>>>>> "HH" == hiura at openi18n.org (Hideki Hiura) wrote:

HH> Also updating IIIMF packages from Rawhide or
HH> http://people.redhat.com/yshao/im-sdk/rpms/ would be good.
HH> You can get language switching listings with the key combination
HH>     <Alt><Ctrl>l
HH> or 
HH>     <Alt><Ctrl>s

it looks buggy. actually I needed to spend some times to
know which keys works to page up/down. I thought the cursor
keys should works to move its cursor up/down for the up/down
key and page up/down for the right/left key. and since the
cursor and the enter key doesn't work, I always needed to
use the mouse or the numeric key as the index to choose the
language from the list. but some numbers are assigned
twice. but with/without where the item is placed, the index
is always increased and it's reseted when the index is
higher than 9. it confuses the users.


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