I18n Bug Event

Jens Petersen petersen at redhat.com
Wed Sep 19 12:55:01 UTC 2007

The Fedora I18n team is hosting a Fedora i18n bug event starting
this Friday:

   We will start with an all day bug squashing event during
   2007-09-20 23:00 UTC to 2007-09-21 12:00 UTC,
   and continue the effort until the Test3 devel freeze is due to start 
on Tuesday.

   We will basically be focusing on bugs from this list:
   but if you have other urgent issues related to i18n that you believe 
need addressing for F8 you're welcome to bring those along to discuss.

How to help?
   (see <http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Join>)

   Bugzilla: unless you just want to ask questions you'll need a 
bugzilla account of course: see the above link.

   IRC: Freenode #fedora-i18n  (people from the I18n Team should be 
online Friday (at least during 2007-09-20 23:00 UTC to 2007-09-21 12:00) 
and also on Monday - during the weekend it may be more sporadic but 
please hang around if you can)

   QA/Testing: install Test2 or current Fedora development (rawhide) and 
helping to test and triage bugs, reporting problems, etc.

   Mailing-list: fedora-i18n-list at redhat.com - bugzilla is the preferred 
place for discussion but if you can't join us or find us on irc, or are 
unsure about something and have questions feel free to ask on the 

   This event is taking place just before the the F8 Test3 freeze in 
order to improve the quality of the F8 release and help close/move more 
i18n bugs before the final devel freeze.

Hope you will be able to join us and help squash those bugs. :-)

Have fun, Jens

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