[fedora-india] Is not fedora-qa same as review-o-matic (under plan)

Debarshi Ray debarshi.ray at gmail.com
Wed Oct 15 06:56:07 UTC 2008

> Yeah, it is very old and needs to be updated(for new guidelines).

For one, it does not know about the new build roots:

class CheckBuildRoot(QACheck):
    """Checks that the BuildRoot is the Fedora-preferred one"""

    order = 60

    def check(self):
        pr("Checking buildroot", 2)
        buildroot = self.target.spec.buildRoot()
        preferred_br_tag =
"%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)"
        preferred_br = self.target.rpmEval(preferred_br_tag)
        if buildroot != preferred_br:
            self.has_failed("BuildRoot should be
"+preferred_br_tag+"\n  (wiki: Packaging/Guidelines#BuildRoot)")
        self.target.total_checks += 1

And does not support LZMA payloads, but that is less of a problem right now.

Happy hacking,

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