[fedora-india] Fedora on Thin Clients - has anyone started tinkering with it ?

"Sankarshan (সঙ্কর্ষণ)" foss.mailinglists at gmail.com
Tue Oct 21 04:57:25 UTC 2008

While the subject might allude to this being a very specific mail it
really isn't.

I was wondering if anyone has been trying out Fedora on Thin Clients and
related hardware. Or, to be specific, have folks been tinkering with the

- small footprint images of ~100MB providing a desktop (livecd-tools)
- integration with the freeipa bits
- provisioning of the images using cobbler and koan
- management etc via puppet, collectd (or, genome even)

And, just for the heck of it (and since we are on the subject of
managing a 'thin client' architecture) tinkering around with Spacewalk.

At the very end, the question about if the above is interesting enough
for anyone to start playing around with. You wouldn't need a real 'thin
client' hardware for most of the stuff.


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