[fedora-india] Re: [Fwd: [Ambassadors] Sponsorship for the Technical Event in UVCE, Bangalore, INDIA]

"Sankarshan (সঙ্কর্ষণ)" foss.mailinglists at gmail.com
Wed Oct 29 02:29:06 UTC 2008


SatyaSagar wrote:

> Inspiron is basically a technical and entrepreneurship extravaganza. It has
> been scheduled to held during the 2nd week of November (11th and 12th),
> 2008. So as it's Technical event and being a Fedora ambassadors, my mind
> strike me of organizing a Linux(Fedora) stuff as part of it. So i requested
> you all for some support (in terms of sponsorships or Fedora Goodies) or any
> related details which may seem helpful for organizing event. As I'm into the
> organizing committee of Inspiron Team, it would not be so problem in
> scheduling the Linux Stuff into it. My other mates would also be amazed with
> your positive response towards this.

[1] Please use a Reply-All, that would get other list members (of the
fedora-india list) to have a chance of providing inputs

[2] Currently we are missing the following details:

[i] location of the event
[ii] URL of the event
[iii] the agenda of the event
[iv] 'Fedora' parts planned at the event
	(a) which parts you'd be comfortable handling
	(b) which bits you expect outside speakers for
[v] your contact details
[vi] expected audience for the event

Item # [iv] in the list above is a bit important to discuss because it
also allows us to check if other Ambassadors in Bangalore (I'm sure that
you have contacted them already) are ready to chip in and help you out.

Since this is a college fest, instead of handing out
media-by-the-handful it would be an interesting (pre-FOSS.IN ?) exercise
to check out how a LiveUSB station is managed.


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