[fedora-india] Event report: Tech talk by Pradeepto and Susmit in BHU

Dhushyanth R r.dushyanth at gmail.com
Wed Feb 25 10:26:40 UTC 2009

Tech Talk by Pradeepto and Susmit

The talk at BHU while not a jam packed affair did get the interested
parties on their toes. The talk was spread over 3 days with the first
being a general evangelical talk being given by Pradeepto on FOSS. The
tech talk the following day was more KDE-centric and
technical in nature and intended to get the students into the loop.
The last talk delivered by Susmit on the 3rd day was on Fedora in
particular, to get to know about the fedora system.
        The first talk delivered by Pradeepto dwelt on what is the
real meaning of "free." There after he told us about where the student
community comes into the picture and by suggesting real examples he
told us why it is NOT difficult to join in. Then he told us a bit
about GSOC- what it was, what were its aim, etc?
        The talk the following day was intended to be more
programmer-centric and as such Pradeepto gave us examples in KDE
programming(or as such Qt programming for that matter). We were also
told about how "bindings" can allow us to use our favorite language of
choice for performing stuff intended to be done by some other
language. After the formal talk was over students had an informal
discussion with him about what are the "in" things, what now, what
languages to learn, etc.
        On the 3rd day as we had a power outage Susmit couldn't give
a formal presentation. But not to worry he quickly switched over to
the  Q&A mode. Students brimming with questions asked their doubts
about fedora and how we too could have a mirror. There after when the
power did come back- Susmit told us about what packages are available
in fedora and how and why fedora is different from other Linux
distros. He told us about how fedora encourages upstream development
and why fedora is more developer friendly. Finally it was topped off
with Fedora DVDs to the interested candidates and flurry of exchanging
contacts and making friends :)

And thus came to an end an eventful 3 days in BHU, Varanasi.

R Dhushyanth

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