[fedora-india] Fwd: 2009-05-14 - Fedora Test Day - IBus input method

das das at randomink.org
Wed May 13 04:45:53 UTC 2009

Till now I have installed F11 and thus iBus in three systems. And iBus
is really nice. And the interface too is made very common-sense way.
And one step of the method given there is not needed, you don't have
to run 'im-chooser' if you boot into the default Gnome. It is
automatically done. I have sent emails (that is Firefox), copied the
text (Gedit), and worked with ODT (OOo) with the live image Gnome, or
after the first hard-disk boot.

I cannot say what happens with other X-windows, like say KDE. In one
of the three systems, now Gnome is default, and so nothing more was

On my Desktop and Laptop, I use Xfce. When I changed from the default
primary Gnome installed by live-dvd image taken on a pen-drive, I had
to go through some problems, reported in

After that all kinds of applications with all kinds of text inputs (I
am using Bangla/English on two systems and Hindi/English together with
some others on the third one, and the user is using them without
problem), I think iBus was quite a better alternative to the earlier

I could give them feedback, but they want reports from livecd-system,
not these hard-disk ones.
দাশ das

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