[Fedora-infrastructure-list] Introduction

Guimauve g+fedora at pkg.fr
Wed Oct 18 08:05:48 UTC 2006


to introduce me, I first need to apologize for my frenchy english.

RHCE since 3 years, I'm working as Linux consultant and I've time to
contribute as I'm working all day long we Fedora Core systems. My own
enterprise uses Xen enabled on remote FC5 systems infrastructure to
separate mail, dev an web applications.

So here is a peace of my skills:
- linux and Xen systems administration
- system debugging
- mail, web, DNS systems administration
- bash, perl scripting with system applications: working on a perl based
project with a client since 4 years around print migration to RHEL3 from
IBM mainframe
- Python beginner (I still managed to translate in french and hack Trac
v0.9.6 for my enterprise needs)
- eternal C/C++ beginner
- MySQL/PostgreSQL basic development
- packaging RPM
- open-minded and meddlesome ("Touche-à-tout" in french)

I'm working with x86 and AMD x86_64 computers.

I would contribute to any project, and I hope to contribute myself with
new project(s) in a while.

Best regards,

Guillaume Bougard
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