Jigdo - A Professional Letter to Mike McGrath

Jonathan Steffan jonathansteffan at gmail.com
Thu Dec 6 22:29:25 UTC 2007

On Thu, 6 Dec 2007 16:42:57 -0500
Jesse Keating <jkeating at redhat.com> wrote:.
> Question.  Spins.fp.o is mostly about Live images no?  Live images are
> essentially a big squasfs image wrapped up in an iso with some
> bootable stuff involved?  How would jigdo possibly help here?

This is correct. In it's current state, jigdo is only of value for
installer images. I have a goal of getting pyJigdo to be able to deal
with a squashfs, pulling the bits from rpms and then
sticking them into the squash. I have not worked out the technical
details as of yet, but it is planned.


Jonathan Steffan
GPG Fingerprint: 93A2 3E2F DC26 5570 3472 5B16 AD12 6CE7 0D86 AF59

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