Fedora 9 - A release preview

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at gmail.com
Wed Nov 21 22:31:20 UTC 2007

Mike McGrath wrote:
> So what do we want to see by the Fedora 9 release?  Here's a list I'd 
> like to see:
> 1) Remove all of our FC6 boxes (either by upgrade or move to RHEL)
For the TurboGears apps, this should be pretty easy to do (FC6 and RHEL5 
are very close).

> 2) Separate Test infrastructure - Right now we have people using test 
> boxes that connect to production databases and information.  This needs 
> to stop. (I understand luke and dgilmore have had some discussions about 
> this already)
We're going to need to get FAS2 up and running and expose information 
either directly via LDAP or via JSON-RPC for this to work.  That's 
definitely a good thing; I just want to mention that we have to get that 
working first.

> 8) Move hosted out of PHX and on to new server beach systems.  This will 
> likely include creating a new "hosted" group.
Are we going to consider anything in the git/bzr/hg/svn repositories to 
be hosted for this purpose?  A few things in there pre-date tthe 
existence of hosted.

> 9) FAS2 - This will be a big project and is one I'm hoping to accomplish 
> prior to F9 test1.  Ricky has done some great work with it, we'll see 
> what it takes to finish it off.
Thanks Ricky!  This is an important piece as there's potentially a lot 
of porting that needs to be done once it is finished.


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