Php why must your apps suck so?

Mike McGrath mmcgrath at
Tue Oct 23 19:59:51 UTC 2007

Ok, so there's a ticket for a new news site,

Fact: PHP apps have a poor track record.
Fact: There doesn't appear to be any viable Python CMS's (you can say 
plone, but we've managed to fail at installing it for 2 YEARS now.  And 
at this point I'm not interested in deploying it for anything other than 
the docs site)

So lets get this thread started, Toshio ran some numbers to back up this 
claim, 73 vulnerabilities since 2006.  So what do we do. I'm pretty in 
the middle of this debate at this point.  Especially with something like 

Discuss, comment, flame.  Lets go :)


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