Ticket #116 - Fedora Poll

Frank Chiulli frankc.fedora at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 21:10:11 UTC 2008

I've accepted this ticket.

The first thing I did was look for any Fedora packages (repoquery);
but came up empty.

Next, I tried Source Forge.  A query for 'poll' yielded 70 results.
None of these are written in Python.  AFAIK Python is not a

I've downloaded and am testing the first item - Presto Poll.  This is
written in PHP.

I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions?

On another note:
Since I can't use IRC directly from work, I have been using
http://www.ircatwork.com.  However for some reason that didn't work
today.  I get a message that the account has
been suspended.  I tried googling for another web site that did
something similar but didn't come up with one.

Anyone know of one?


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