Collaboration Servers!

Mike McGrath mmcgrath at
Wed Jan 30 21:28:13 UTC 2008

On Wed, 30 Jan 2008, Mike McGrath wrote:

> is up and running.  Yahoo!  So whats missing?
> Well, it doesn't actually do anything yet.  Plans for it include
> 1) gobby (its AMAZING)
> 2) pastebin or something like it (also amazing)
> 3) mailman.
> So who wants to set up what?  Luke, you'd mentioned you might be able to
> get gobby up sometime this week / next.  Is that still the case?  If so
> I'll open a ticket and assign it to you.
> My only request for pastebin is that we use something that has an
> upstream, and that we don't modify it other then to create a template for
> that good ol' fedora look and feel.
> If someone wants to do a part (paulo, you'd mentioned some interest) just
> let me know.  These types of servers also fall under "tools" so you'll
> need to be part of the sysadmin-tools FIG.

Forgot a couple of things

1) All of this needs to be in puppet
2) we'll rebuild the box to make sure its all in puppet.


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