Change Request Koji

Dennis Gilmore dennis at
Wed Nov 12 17:59:54 UTC 2008

inside of phx  all machines are using koji2 for koji.fp.o  koji2 is the new 32 
bit guest.  which is working fine except that it has 2gb ram.  currently it is 
seeing a higher load than id like. 

 17:54:50 up 5 days, 22:11,  3 users,  load average: 8.69, 6.68, 5.06

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       2097328    2042660      54668          0       3868     704116
-/+ buffers/cache:    1334676     762652
Swap:      2096472     255224    1841248

its not heavily swapping but swapping enough.  id like to change phx to point 
at koji1  when they are all back over to koji1  ill then take koji2 down  
allocate it 4gb ram  koji1 has 8gb ram (and is 64 bit) then point everything 
inside phx back at koji2

koji1 has not been rebuilt yet as we are still waiting on load balancing to be 
setup.  kojihub on koji1 is used only by people submitting builds.  kojiweb 
and the builders are using koji2 as its hub.

this change should have no visible user impact,  but will lower the load on 

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