About the recent invasion

Itamar - IspBrasil itamar at ispbrasil.com.br
Tue Sep 16 10:48:30 UTC 2008

ele esta dizendo que o atacante conseguiu assinar alguns pacotes do ssh, 
se estes pacotes fossem colocados na internet em algum mirror qualquer e 
alguem fizesse um update e instalasse um destes pacotes a maquina 
estaria hackeada.


On 9/16/2008 7:39 AM, Pablo Iranzo Gómez wrote:
> 	Ola
> 	The update came because it seems that 'atacker' was able to sign some
> openssh packages. This update, as stated is provided just in case there
> is someone not using RHN to get updated packages. Customers using RHN to
> get updates were not afected. The errata also states that there's an
> ongoing investigation.
> 	Regards
> 	Pablo

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