Licensing Guidelines for apps we write

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at
Thu Jul 2 03:23:09 UTC 2009

Hi, I've had a chance to talk to spot and I've drafted the following
policy about licensing the things that we write in Fedora Infrastructure:

Do people like it?  Is a GPL family license pretty much everywhere good
for everyone or are there places that we'd like the general rule to be
"MIT" or something looser instead?

I want to relicense python-fedora (GPLv2 => LGPLv2+), pkgdb and fas
(GPLv2 => AGPLv3+) if we approve this.  I'll talk to the contributors to
those projects to make sure they have no objections first, but is that
generally acceptable?  Anyone else want to join in on the relicensing?
Having things under compatible licenses will make code sharing possible.
(GPLv2 only is not compatible with AGPLv3+) which is my incentive for
migrating apps that I'm contributing to onto a common licensing scheme.

I'm putting this on the meeting agenda for Thursday but discussion in
the mailing list is also welcome.


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