transif user in packager group

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at
Tue Jul 28 22:58:41 UTC 2009

Today we added the transif user to the packager group because transifex
lost the ability to add translations for comps.  At the moment, this
doesn't affect much -- packager group only gives you the ability to
commit to comps and what packages you are given explicit rights to.
However, it may become bigger in the future since we may allow people to
specify that anyone in packager can commit to their packages.

transif's last commit to the comps files was around the 17th of July.
If anyone can recall some action or config change that they might have
performed that would have changed whether transif could commit to comps
between 17th of July and today or can think of a better way to give
transif access to the comps cvs repo please speak up!  it would be
better long-term if transif was not in the packager group.

The only solution we've come up with that doesn't use the packager group
so far requires that we do two things:
1) add cvs acls for transif to commit to comps.
2) set filesystem acls so transif can commit to comps.

Doing #2 isn't that great an idea as it's a one-off doing something not
readily apparent (we don't use fs acls anywhere else in cvs).  But if it
could be puppet managed it might not be too bad.


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