Any DBA's in the house?

Anand Capur admin at
Mon Jun 15 20:53:16 UTC 2009

On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 3:56 PM, Mike McGrath<mmcgrath at> wrote:
> Is it better to have:
> id | smallString1 | smallString2 | smallString3 | largerString1
> or put the largerString1 in it's own table?  largerString1 I'm
> specifically thinking about is for
> Also, does mysql have a problem with having a table with many columns in
> it?  Where many== 20, 30, 40?
> I'm specifically talking about a table with around 1.2 million rows in it
> which is growing at a rate of several hundred thousand rows every 6
> months.
>        -Mike

MySQL's maximum limit is 3398 columns in a table, so I would say
around 30 is OK. I've seen a database with 50 tables and it ran fine.
The max size of a table row is 65534 (BLOB and TEXT not included) - I
don't know what measurement the 65535 is though.
It depends on what you want to do with the data, if you should put it
in a new table or not.


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