
Todd Zullinger tmz at
Wed Jun 17 00:20:16 UTC 2009


I should have sent one of these a while ago...

I've been lurking on this list and in #fedora-admin for many months,
though I don't usually happen to be around for the weekly meetings.
I've been a Fedora packager since sometime in 2006 and I currently
help maintain a few of the packages that infrastructure uses heavily:
git and puppet.

I don't always get large blocks of time to work on Fedora stuff each
week, but I do spend as much time with it as I can.  I think I can
help out with handling fedorahosted requests and maybe even some
puppet tasks, which can hopefully help the regular contributors focus
more on larger projects and goals.

I talked a little with Ricky earlier today about trying to ensure the
git project creation was as smooth as possible and well documented.
I'll apply for sysadmin and sysadmin-hosted and see if he'll sponsor
me so I can get my feet wet and help out a little.

My Fedora account and IRC nick are both tmz.

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL:
Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.

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