recording more metrics and doing more data mining about Fedora

Ian Weller ian at
Wed Jun 17 23:20:26 UTC 2009

I'm starting up a project to help everybody in Fedora by combining
statistical (not personal!) data retrieved from FAS, repositories in
Fedora Hosted, mailing lists, translations, and whatever else we can
possibly get our hands on to produce reports that help us see trends in
the activity of contributors, both new and old.

With this project, we'll be better able to understand the effects of
certain marketing techniques or development on what we can measure as
"activity" within the project. Other advantages may be seen as well.

Now, I'm simply starting this -- I don't have any shiny graphs to show
you just yet. But what I do need people to do is let me know what sort
of statistics would help them with what they do. It is also beneficial
to include things that we are already getting statistics on, or that we
previously received statistics for, so that these can all be integrated
into the same system.

Here's where to submit your ideas:

I'll be mostly AFK until the next weekend is over, so please surprise me
with your ideas :)  If you have any questions, please get in touch with

Ian Weller <ian at>
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